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Here are answers to commonly-asked questions we get from parents/guardians, as well as information you might need in an emergency.

Administration Questions

How do I register for Arbor/ClassDojo?

Arbor - when your child joins Oakfield, a welcome email will be sent to their primary guardians to complete registration and set up a password. Click here for more information on Arbor.

ClassDojo - we'll email you a code to register. Click here for more information on ClassDojo.

If you haven't received these emails, please speak to the school office. 

Only primary guardians can have access to Arbor and ClassDojo. Other family members can find information and dates for the diary on our website,

Where can I find information about upcoming events?

The primary place you can find updates and events (for individual classes and the whole school) is on ClassDojoClick here for more information on how to access and use it.

We also post whole school dates and events on this website's Calendar.

When do the gates open/close?

The back gate (from Testwood Recreation Ground) and the side gate by Reception are open between 8.40am and 9am for children to be dropped off at school, and again between 3.05pm and 3.30pm for collection (3.15pm is the end of the school day). They remain locked outside of these times.

The main entrance on Sylvia Crescent is open all day during term-time. Please come to reception outside of drop-off and collection times. 

Where can I park?

Parking is limited on site and is reserved for school staff only.

We will open the gates to the junior playground to allow parking during events such as Parents' Evening, school discos, etc.

If you park in Sylvia Crescent / The Redfords / Testwood Recreation Ground at drop-off and collection times, please do so responsibly and allow residents access to the roads and driveways. Unfortunately we do receive complaints from residents about inconsiderate parking now and again.

How do I pay for school meals and trips?

Oakfield use the Arbor system for ordering and paying for meals, and for requesting permission and payment for school trips. We are a cashless school.

Hot meals can be pre-ordered and paid for through Arbor. School meals are free to children in Year R, 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1), and for pupils in all year groups that are eligible for Free School Meals. You can check your balance and add funds via debit/credit card any time on Arbor.

Click here for more information on meals.

Click here for more information on trips and using Arbor.

For some events that require tickets, we will use other apps to facilitate payment (as Arbor doesn’t have a ticket function yet). We will send you the link in the event information.

Where can I find the school meal menu?

The current menu is published on the School Meals & Sandwiches webpage.

My child needs medicine during the school day. Will you give this to them?

We can give prescribed medicine to children during the school day, as per our Administering Medication policy available on our Policies page. Please speak to the office if you need us to do so.

The medication must be in-date, in the original packaging/container, with the pharmacist's instruction label attached.

Emergency medication such as asthma inhalers and Epi-pens can be kept at school.

If your child is unwell at school, we will telephone you to ask if we can administer paracetamol (Calpol) or an antihistamine (Certirizine) if we feel it would help. We won't give medication without consent from parents/guardians.

If your child requires antibiotics three times a day, please give them a dose before school, after school and at bedtime.

A different adult is collecting my child today. How do I notify you?

You can provide a list of trusted adults that you authorise to collect your child on Arbor.

If there is a last-minute change, they're going to a classmate's home for a playdate, or the adult isn't on your list of trusted people, please phone the school office on 023 8086 2530 or email

Please notify us before 2.30pm on the day, otherwise we can't guarantee that the message will be read and be passed to the teacher on time for collection at 3.15pm. Please don't use ClassDojo to message the teacher during the school day, as they're unlikely to read it while they're teaching.

How do I give permission for my child to walk home alone?

We only allow children from Year 5 and Year 6 to leave school without a responsible adult to accompany them, with express permission from parents/guardians.

Please email to confirm, so we can add your permission to their file and notify the class teacher.

If you arrange for your child to attend an After-School Club (either run by New Forest Childcare or an independent provider in the school hall), please let your child know they will need to go to the club at the end of the school day, as we have no record of which children have been registered for those classes and will allow them to walk home as usual. 

Please ensure your child knows what they should do if things go wrong (where they should go/who to call if you're not at home, they've forgotten their key, or you aren't at the agreed pick-up point, for example), as if they try to return to school via the back gate, it may be closed. If they have a mobile phone, you could add the school's number to their contacts (we'll answer until 3.30pm).

What happens to lost property?

Each classroom has a lost property box for unnamed items. Children are encouraged to check through these boxes regularly to find their belongings.

If items are unclaimed for 1-2 weeks, they will be transferred to the Lost Property cupboard in the school reception area. Parents/guardians are welcome to look through this cupboard at the start and end of the school day.

At the end of term, we will either send out pictures of lost property on ClassDojo or put a table out on the school field for adults to look through lost items (weather permitting!)

If they're still unclaimed at the end of the term, belongings will either be donated to charity, added to our stock of emergency uniform (for accidents), or given to the Oakfield PTA to sell to raise funds for our school. 

You can help us prevent things ending up here by labelling all belongings (and ensuring labels are secure!). Biro will fade over time and with washing, and most lost jumpers/cardigans have illegible names previously written in Biro on the label. 

You may want to invest in a clothes labelling marker (around £3 each on Amazon), or a permanent marker.

What happens if I'm late collecting my child?

Please ring the office on 023 8086 2530 as soon as you know you're not going to be at the school ready for collection at 3.15pm, so we can let your child and their teacher know. If you're able to, please arrange for another responsible adult to collect them instead. 

If you don't arrive by 3.20pm, the teacher will take your child to the school office. If we haven't received an update, the office staff will ring the primary guardians and any other trusted adults you've listed on Arbor in priority order to arrange the child's collection. Our office is staffed until 3.30pm.

The back gate leading onto Testwood Recreation Ground will be shut promptly at 3.30pm. If you're expecting to arrive around or just after this time, please come to the school through the main entrance on Sylvia Crescent.

Which clubs and classes are available?

New Forest Childcare operate our Breakfast and After-School Clubs on site if you need childcare before or after the school day. More information is available here.

Independent providers also run classes and clubs after-school; more information here.

School staff also run some clubs for part of the academic year. Click here for more information.


Attendance questions

How do I notify you that my child will be off school due to illness?

Please telephone the school on 023 8086 2530 before 9am on the first day and every following day of your child's absence through illness. We have an answering machine so you can press 1 to leave a message at any time.

Please don't send messages on ClassDojo or email the office to report an absence, as we may not see the message before the register closes at 9.15am (at which point we'll call you to ask where your child is for safeguarding reasons).

The NHS website has guidance on whether your child should go to school or stay home, based on their symptoms, and how long they should stay at home for when they have a specific illness.

How long do they have to stay home after sickness and/or diarrhoea?

Please allow 48 hours from the last bout of sickness and diarrhoea to allow your child to recover fully and to avoid passing these illnesses onto other children and staff. This is in line with NHS guidance.

My child is very tired this morning. Should I keep them at home?

We all have 'one of those mornings' from time to time! Tiredness isn't an illness on its own, but fatigue can be a side-effect of a viral infection or another illness. 

If they are just tired without any other symptoms, they should come to school. If they don't, we will have to log it as an Unauthorised Absence.

If they're regularly feeling tired, it can have a major impact on their learning. It's important to look at the possible causes and promote healthy sleep habits, or to consult your GP if their fatigue is caused by an undiagnosed illness.

Click here for some guidance on healthy sleep from our local NHS 'Healthier Together' website.

How do I request a Leave of Absence?

We understand that the cost of holidays increases significantly outside of term-time (since all school staff also have to take their holidays outside of term-time, and pay the extra too!). However Miss Bray cannot authorise holidays during term-time.

A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed for any request for time out of school (printed copies are available in reception). Whether it be that exceptional circumstances apply (such as a funeral of a close family member), or if your child needs a morning/afternoon off to take a music or dance examination.

Penalty notices may be issued if parents choose to remove children from school without approval. More information is on the Attendance page.

What happens if we're late coming to school?

Our gates are open between 8.45am and 9am for pupils to arrive, before the register is taken by the class teacher. If you arrive after 9am, please go to the school reception (via the main entrance on Sylvia Crescent as the back gate will be closed) and sign your child in on the iPad.

The register closes at 9.15am and arrivals after that time will be marked as an Unauthorised Absence (unless you've arrived late due to a medical appointment or other sufficient reason).

If a child hasn't arrived by 9.15am, office staff will call their primary guardians to find out where they are for safeguarding reasons.

If you know you're going to be late, please call the office before 9.15am on 023 8086 2530.

My child has a medical appointment during school hours. What do I do?

In an ideal world, we'd ask for all appointments to be made outside of school hours so that children don't miss out on learning... but GPs and hospitals don't allow you to choose times!

If the appointment time is in the morning and your child will be late to school, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance (or on Friday if the appointment is on Monday morning). Please also confirm whether they will have a packed lunch, or a school meal so we can order it for them (your choice on Arbor will be deleted if they're marked as absent).

If you need to collect your child during the school day, please tell the office when you'll be arriving, so we can notify the teacher. If there is sufficient time after the appointment, your child should return to school via reception to be signed in.

Please either pop into the office to let us know, give us a ring on 023 8086 2530, or send us an email at

Routine dental examinations should be booked outside of school hours.

What happens in extreme weather conditions when the school might be closed?

Occasionally, adverse weather conditions will force us to close the school for the safety of pupils and staff, and we have a robust action plan to aid in our decision-making.

We will send all parents/guardians a text message to confirm if the school is going to be closed early in the morning to give you as much notice as possible.

We'll post updates on our website and Facebook page. Additionally, Hampshire County Council's website provides an up-to-date list of any school closures.



Safeguarding questions

I've seen a dangerous object/situation on the school grounds. What should I do?

If there is an immediate danger / threat to life, call 999 immediately.

Please report any issues to ANY member of school staff immediately so we can investigate and resolve the situation via our safeguarding procedures. If you can't see a staff member around, please call the school office on 023 8086 2530.

I've witnessed an incident involving a pupil outside of the school site. What should I do?

If there is an immediate danger / threat to life, call 999 immediately.

Please contact Children's Services or the Police directly to report serious incidents. It is very difficult for the school to resolve situations that have occurred outside the school grounds.

Our Safeguarding page provides guidance and contact information.

However, if you are concerned about a pupil's welfare, please also report this to the school office on 023 8086 2530 so we are aware of the situation and can provide support to the child/children involved.

Why can't I use my mobile phone on school grounds?

Some Oakfield children are not permitted to be featured on social media for safeguarding reasons, and we also need to be sure that photos are not being taken of any children during drop-off and collection times when our gates are open to the public.

This rule also means that parents/guardians are not distracted when collecting their child, so we can hand them over to the correct adult, quickly and safely.

We do permit photos to be taken during events where we have specifically invited parents/carers connected to a child that attends the school, as long as they are for personal use and not shared on social media.


Behaviour questions

I'm unhappy about an incident my child has told me about. Who can I speak to?

For matters directly concerning your child, the first point of contact should be their class teacher, who is most familiar with their academic progress and day-to-day experiences. Their teacher can offer specific insights and guidance tailored to your child's individual needs. You can contact them in person, by arranging a meeting via the school office, or via ClassDojo for smaller, more informal matters.

If your concern is about a more sensitive issue, such as wellbeing or safety, please contact our safeguarding lead, Miss Poole, at Her small team is equipped to handle such matters with the utmost care and discretion.

For broader issues related to the school, or if your concern requires higher-level intervention, Miss Bray, the Headteacher, can be contacted at She oversees the overall operations of the school and can address issues that go beyond the classroom environment. 

If you feel you need to make a complaint, please see our Complaints page for guidance.

The Communication Expectations document at the end of this page provides guidance on how specific queries should be referred to the school, and when you should expect a response.


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