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There is an ambitious curriculum set for Computing, supporting teachers to implement it through high-quality lessons and checking that everything is helping children to know more, remember more and do more.

If you would like more information in addition to that published on this page, please contact your class teacher.

Purpose of Study

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


The National Curriculum - Computing key stages 1 to 2

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems

  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems

  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Oakfield's Approach

Inspirational People

At our school, we believe in using the power of inspiration to help shape the thinking and curriculum design of our students. That's why we have taken inspiration from successful and influential people who have made a significant impact in their respective fields. By studying their stories, we aim to inspire our pupils to aim high and achieve their own goals. We have carefully curated a list of inspirational figures, including scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, and activists, to name a few. We have analysed what made them successful and incorporated their values, principles, and strategies into our curriculum design to provide our students with the tools they need to succeed. By doing so, we hope to empower our students to dream big and achieve greatness.


We are setting out to help our pupils be ...

  • Prepared. Understand how technology can help everyone prepare for life in the future and how it can be used to make the world a better place.

  • Kind. Make the world a better place through safe and kind interactions online, helping themselves and others to feel confident and proud of their achievements.

  • Creative. Have fun creating and consuming content worth sharing with others; demonstrating resilience when it goes wrong.

  • Confident. Learn how to identify and use a variety of hardware and software to achieve specific goals.


We will do this by ensuring ...

  • Learning is purposeful and supports their understanding of technology that is used around the world.

  • Children are taught to be responsible and keep themselves safe as well as how to help those who need it.

  • A range of high quality devices are used to help children become familiar when interacting with computers in different ways.

  • Pupils learn skills in a progressional way, celebrating their achievements and addressing any misconceptions.


We will have made a difference when ...

  • Pupils value the curriculum we offer - they understand the importance of technology in the world and how it can change lives.

  • All pupils are responsible and safe - they know what to do to remain safe online, helping their families and community.

  • Pupils enjoy the curriculum we offer - they tell us they enjoy learning and are keen to use technology more.

  • Pupils can independently demonstrate their understanding of the Threshold Concepts.

Threshold Concepts

These are our big takeaways called ‘threshold concepts’ - an overview of what we want pupils to know. They are the same for every year group and help us to ensure we build learning on the same ideas, that way we help children to be able to remember more meaningful connections rather than remembering isolated facts.

  1. Computers follow instructions called algorithms.

  2. Your information, pictures and videos belong to you and should not be shared online.

  3. Not everything you see online is truthful or accurate, you should be careful if you use material that belongs to someone else.

  4. Computers can interact with the physical world using inputs and outputs.

  5. A variety of software can be used create content for different purposes.

  6. You can communicate in different ways using the internet, it is important to do this respectfully and safely.

  7. Computers and devices can be linked together to share resources, this is a called a ‘network’.

  8. Hardware is the part of the computer that you can touch, choosing the right hardware helps you to do things more effectively.

  9. Software is a program or application that runs on a device.

  10. Information from the natural world can be collected using different hardware and presented using software.

  11. Accessing information via the internet is called being ‘online’ in the ‘digital world’.

  12. Technology helps people in different ways in their life, at home, school and work.

  13. The internet can be searched for information, but it is not always truthful.

Progression on a Page ...

Here is an overview of what we expect children to be taught, know and do by the end of each year group.

Year R

  • In Year R children are introduced to the world of computing and technology. They are taught that technology is used in various places such as homes and schools, and that it can be used for different purposes.

  • Children are encouraged to explore a range of technology, including digital devices such as tablets, laptops, and interactive whiteboards, as well as other tools such as cameras, talking tins, and programmable toys. Through hands-on experiences, they learn how to select and use these technologies for particular purposes, such as using a camera to take photographs or a talking tin to record and playback their voice.

  • The aim is for children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which technology can be used, and to develop their skills in using these tools effectively. They are also taught about the importance of staying safe and responsible when using technology, such as keeping personal information private and being respectful when communicating online.

Year 1

  • Children will be introduced to simple robots that follow instructions called an algorithm.

  • They will learn what hardware is and how digital things can be saved (with easily identifiable names) on hard drives and opened again.

  • They will use be taught how software can be used and data collected in different ways.

  • They will be able to see how different single pieces of technology is used in everyday life for different purposes, following on Year R.

Year 2

  • Children will now programme robots and learn that their behaviour can be predicted.

  • They will use different multimedia and begin to manipulate this to create content.

  • They will expand their understanding of new software that and accomplish different tasks.

  • Finally, children will be taught that groups of devices can be connected in different ways and know that the internet is a network of connected devices.

Year 3

  • Algorithms will be continued with the introduction of ‘loops’ which run on a repeat cycle.

  • They will now problem solve and debug problems that can occur.

  • Children will be taught how multiple pieces of software or hardware can be used to accomplish tasks.

  • Children will be taught that communication is easy online, but that it must be done respectfully and certain things (such as pictures or videos) should not be shared without permission.

Year 4

  • Children are introduced to inputs, outputs and sensors for the first time.

  • They will be introduced to unfamiliar hardware and devices that perform different tasks, such as logging but that new software has familiar icons and images to support working across different systems

  • Children will explain that when searching online, some web pages may contain adverts or pop-ups that encourage people to click on them and will have been able to communicate online safely.

Year 5

  • New commands for algorithms are introduced that children will explore.

  • They should be able to explain many different physical ways computers can be connected and how the internet works.

  • They will create, select and combine a range of texts, images, sound clips and videos for given purposes.

  • Children will understand that digital content is always traceable back to the source and that multiple software and hardware can be used to accomplish a task.

Year 6

  • Children will now be able to start with large problems and break these down into smaller parts in order to debug them efficiently.

  • They will know that a range of technologies can be combined to achieve a particular outcome.

  • They will control a physical system using input and output commands.

  • Children will be selecting the most effective hardware or software for a given task.

  • Online safety will include understanding that people are not always who they say they are and different platforms of communication have different risks.

Units of Learning ...

Year 1 - Autumn

Creating a Character

In this unit, children will learn how to create an animated character. They will learn how to add filters and stickers to enhance a character.

Year 1 - Autumn

Video Voiceovers
Combining Media

Children will learn how to select images and learn how to create a voiceover. They will also learn how to highlight and zoom images as they record.

Year 1 - Spring

Data Handling

In this unit, children will learn how to sort images or text into two or more categories on a digital device. They will also learn how to collect data on a topic and use this to create a tally chart and pictogram.

Year 1 - Spring


Children will learn to order images to create a simple storyboard and create a sequence of pictures to explain their understanding of a topic.

Year 1 - Summer

Combining Media

Children will learn to write and record a script using a teleprompter tool. They will also learn how to record their voice and add different effects.

Year 1 - Summer

Robot Mazes

Children will first create their robot mazes and then challenge each other to write an algorithm and code to complete them!

Year 2 - Autumn

Interactive Images

In this unit children will learn how to create digital images with digital labels and voiceovers.

Year 2 - Autumn

Image Manipulation

In this unit children will learn to edit pictures and create layers of photos. We will learn about online identify and keeping safe online.

Year 2 - Spring

Venn Diagrams
Data Handling

Children will develop their skills in data handling by sorting digital objects into different diagrams and charts.

Year 2 - Spring

Stop Start Animation

Children will learn how to create stop motion animations. They will learn how to create and debug simple algorithms.

Year 2 - Summer

AR storytelling

We will create different content using different software we have been learning about. We will use AR technology to bring different objects into our surroundings. We will evaluate the learning we have done.

Year 2 - Summer

Robot Helper

We will use scratch technology to create algorithms. We will use programs and logical reasoning to predict outcomes of sequences.

Year 3 - Autumn

Stoneage Sounds
Sound & Podcasting

In this podcasting unit the children will create a script, record it and add sound effects for a purpose using their Stoneage knowledge for context.

Year 3 - Autumn


In this unit the children will learn how to create their own digital 360° image and explore it in VR.

Year 3 - Spring

Perfecting Programs

Using Scratch, children will develop their coding skills. They will be able to design a program, create a sequence of code and evaluate their program.

Year 3 - Spring

Sorting Stories
Data Handling

The children will create their own sorting diagram and complete a data handling activity with it using images and text. They will input simple data into a spreadsheet. The children will then use the class story to create a feelings chart to explore characters’ feelings.

Year 3 - Summer

Video Creations
Voiceover Film

Linking to our learning about The Romans, children will be able to sequence clips of mixed media in a timeline and record a voiceover. They will be able to trim and cut film clips and add titles and transitions. They will be able to independently create a green screen clip.

Year 3 - Summer

Communicating Computers

In this unit children will learn about computer networks. They will understand how and why computers in a school are connected together in a network. They will be able to explain the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW).

Year 4 - Autumn

Sounds of The Cinema

This term the children will be producing their own iMovie using and combining a variety of software to design and create a video all in the context of history.

Year 4 - Autumn


The children will be using their logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programming.

Year 4 - Spring

Music Masters
Data Handling

This unit helps children develop their digital skills by using a variety of software and digital devices to accomplish given goals related to their favorite music genre. They will learn to collect, analyse, evaluate, and present data using digital tools. By the end of the unit, they will have improved their digital literacy and analytical skills.

Year 4 - Spring

Lights, Camera, Action

This unit focuses on helping children develop their digital skills by using software to record and evaluate their retelling of a text learned through Talk for Writing (T4W). Children will learn how to use digital tools to capture and edit audio and video content, as well as how to evaluate their peers' work. Through this unit, children will improve their communication and collaboration skills, as well as their ability to use digital tools effectively. By the end of the unit, children will have developed a deeper understanding of T4W and how to use digital tools to enhance their learning and communication.

Year 4 - Summer

AR & VR Museums

This unit helps children develop their programming skills by learning how to use sequence, selection, and repetition to create a virtual history museum exhibit. They will improve their logical and problem-solving skills while also learning to use digital tools to create interactive content. By the end of the unit, they will have a basic understanding of programming concepts and how to use them in a museum context.

Year 4 - Summer

If This, Then That

This unit teaches children how to program a robot by conducting their own algorithm, using logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in the program. It improves their problem-solving and logical thinking skills and helps them use digital tools to control robots. By the end of the unit, children will have a basic understanding of programming concepts and how to use them to control robots.

Year 5 - Autumn

Green Screen
Video Manipulation

This unit will teach children how to create their own videos using green screen. They will learn how to do this through using an app called ‘Doink’. The children will learn to crop, resize, split screens, change backgrounds and add text as well as evaluate and improve their creations.

Year 5 - Autumn

Christmas Quizzes

In this project, children will learn how to create simple algorithms, using a programme called ‘scratch’ to create quizzes for their friends. Children will learn how to create commands and sequences of commands to enable their audiences to select an answer.

Year 5 - Spring


In this project, children will learn to use VR and AR to create an interactive display to showcase their learning. They will learn how scanning a picture can bring it to life on an ipod or smart device and how this can be used to advertise and showcase ideas to many people.

Year 5 - Spring

Fantastic Formulae
Data Handling

Children will learn how to use different formulae to total and record data. This will link to their Maths Statistics unit. Google sheets will be used for this unit.

Year 5 - Summer

Website Designers
Computer Networks

In this unit, children will learn how computer networks like search engines link websites together based on key words and favourites. The children will design their own web page which will rank highly on a search engine based on key words. Children will learn how this can be positive when promoting an idea however content can be shared widely which can also be a risk.

Year 5 - Summer


In this unit, children will learn how to remix popular songs, and compose 4 chord melodies applying their musical skills and knowledge of chords.

Year 6 - Autumn

App Prototype
Combining Media

In this unit, children will create an app prototype of their choice, manipulating information and layouts to achieve a published document, linking to their learning about WWII.

Year 6 - Autumn

Interactive Scenes

In this unit, children will use augmented reality to create an interactive scene connected to their learning of Bees, Butterflies and Beetles in Art.

Year 6 - Spring

3d lettering

This unit teaches children how to create 3D lettering using computational thinking and programming skills, linking to their learning about engineers. Children will learn how to use software tools to create 3D models and improve their problem-solving and logical thinking skills. By the end of the unit, children will have a basic understanding of programming concepts and how to apply them to create 3D models. They will also have gained a better understanding of engineering concepts and their digital applications.

Year 6 - Spring

Computer Networks

This unit teaches children about computer networks and their connection to electricity. They will learn about basic networking concepts and use HTML to create web pages. By the end of the unit, children will have a basic understanding of computer networking and practical experience in creating web pages using HTML.

Year 6 - Summer

Special Effects
Combining Media

This unit focuses on helping children use special effects green screen to create videos and animations, as well as develop critical evaluation skills. The unit will also link to their learning about Evolution and Inheritance. Children will learn how to use green screen technology to create high-quality video content and animations. They will also learn how to critically evaluate their work, taking into account factors such as audience, purpose, and effectiveness. Through this unit, children will improve their digital literacy skills, as well as their ability to use digital tools to create engaging content. By the end of the unit, children will have a deeper understanding of evolution and inheritance concepts and how to use digital tools to communicate ideas effectively.

Year 6 - Summer


This unit focuses on helping children create an animated film and design animations that link to their learning about Evolution and Inheritance. Children will learn how to use digital tools to create animations and add subtitles to their films. They will also learn about basic animation concepts such as keyframes, timelines, and motion paths. Through this unit, children will improve their digital literacy skills, as well as their ability to use digital tools to create engaging content. By the end of the unit, children will have a deeper understanding of evolution and inheritance concepts and how to use digital tools to communicate ideas effectively.

Detailed Progression in Computing

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