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Bullying Report Form - Parent / Carers

The Online Worry Monster - form for Children

Bullying is a serious issue that can have a negative impact on a pupil’s physical and emotional well-being, as well as their ability to succeed academically. At Oakfield we take bullying very seriously and have implemented a variety of strategies to prevent and address it.


Firstly, we have policies and procedures in place to deal with bullying. We encourage students, parents and staff to report any incidents of bullying, and we investigate all reported incidents thoroughly. We also provide support to students who have been bullied and work with the families of both the bully and the victim to find an appropriate resolution.



Secondly, we have education and training programs in place for students, staff and parents to educate them on what bullying is, how to recognise it and how to respond to it. Our curriculum includes education on the topic of bullying and how to prevent it.


We also have in place an anonymous reporting option for students, parents and staff to make it easy for people to report bullying without fear of retaliation.


We involve the students in the process as well, encouraging them to take a leadership role in creating a culture of safety and preventing bullying by empowering them to design and implement anti-bullying campaigns and initiatives, such as school-wide awareness events, peer mentoring programs and support groups.

Finally, we regularly monitor and evaluate our efforts to prevent and address bullying and we use this data to inform our decision-making and improve our prevention and intervention efforts.


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